And that's it for Tattoo 2016!
That's the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo over for another year and what a run it's been. The final week saw the second group of players settle more into the show. This meant they could start seeing more of the acts between Hjaltibonhoga's parts in the show - timing any viewing with the cues for getting ready to go back on is a skill!
Beautiful weather meant the wet weather fiddles thankfully stayed in the cases and it made for some brilliant views over the castle and Edinburgh.
This year His Majesty The King’s Guard of Norway were the winners of a broadsword awarded to the group who have made the biggest contribution to the show throughout the run, voted for by the cast. Hjalti have enjoyed performing with this year's King's Guard, both in Australia and New Zealand earlier in the year and now in Edinburgh where their impressive act was all the more polished.
The final weekend was as always an emotional one with visits from new friends and familiar faces from Tattoo's past. Fiddle Major Margaret Robertson was also presented with a special Hjalti jacket, displaying the stripes befitting her rank!
There's no rest for the band for a while though. The annual reunion night is only days away, we have the Hairst Helly coming up and a trip to Orkney, all squeezed into September.