CDs and Tune Books
As well as our own CD, you can find music books and CDs produced by our band members.
Click on the 'Buy Now' buttons and you will be directed to paypal where you can pay securely using a paypal account or credit/debit card.
£13 + shipping
Please note: you must select the correct shipping area or we may be unable to send your CD!
Irish Reels (4.20)
Iain (5.54) - with The Hjaltibonhoga Training Band
Irish Hornpipes (3.10)
Five Reels (3.01)
Freija (1.42) - by The Hjaltibonhoga Training Band
Spootiskerry (3.46)
Young Willie (5.20)
Hjaltibonhoga’s March to the Bus (1.55)
Greenland Tunes (2.27)
The Dale of Waltz (2.47)
Jigs (3.36)
Schottisches (2.40) - by The Hjaltibonhoga Training Band
Melbourne (5.07)
Rosie Ann (2.32) - with The Hjaltibonhoga Training Band
American Reels (3.47)
Scrolling On
Recorded in Mareel, Shetland in June 2016.
Released in March 2017.
Tune books & CDs by band members
Please complete the form provided below if you'd like to purchase a book or CD from one of our members.
We'll pass your request on so they can arrange payment and delivery directly with you.
The Robertson Collection Vol. One
The Robertson Collection Vol. Two
Tune Collection 2013-15
Tune Collection 2016-18
The Journey So Far Collection
There to Now (CD)
The Tea Wifie (CD)
Route 970 (CD)
Re-Routed (CD)
About Time (CD)
The Robertson Collection Volume One
by Margaret Robertson
£15 + £2 shipping
The Robertson Collection Volume Two
by Margaret Robertson
£15 + £2 shipping
Special Offer - Purchase both volumes of
The Robertson Collection: £30 with free shipping
The Journey So Far Collection
by Linda Rankin
£15 + £5 shipping
There to Now (CD)
by Linda Rankin
£12 + £5 shipping
Route 970 (CD)
by Fjanna
£12.99 + £1.50 shipping
Re-Routed (CD)
by Fjanna
£12.99 + £1.50 shipping
Special Offer - Purchase Route 970 & Re-Routed:
£20 + £1.50 Shipping
Tune Collection 2013-15
by Shetland Folk Society
£8 + £1.50 shipping
Tune Collection 2016-18
by Shetland Folk Society
£12 + £1.50 shipping
The Tea Wifie (CD)
by Julia Dignan
£12.50 + free shipping
About Time (CD)
by Stella Wilkie & Joan Blue
£10 + £1.50 P&P
Proceeds (excluding P&P) going to Alzheimer Scotland
Click here for more info on how to purchase
Please complete this form if you'd like to purchase a book or CD by one of our members.
We'll pass your request on so they can arrange payment and delivery directly with you.
Only 'Scrolling On' by Hjaltibonhoga can be purchased on our website directly using the 'Buy Now' buttons above.
Friends of Hjaltibonhoga
See the Friends of Hjaltibonhoga page for more information about each package.
Choose one of our Friends Packages to support Hjaltibonhoga: Platinum, Gold, Silver or Make a Donation of your chosen amount.